SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Antigen Serology Assay

We developed a luminex-based serological assay for measuring antibodies to a panel of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory virus antigens.

By Ramin Mazhari, Shazia Ruybal-Pesántez, Fiona Angrisano, Nicholas Kiernan-Walker, Stephanie Hyslop, Rhea J. Longley, Caitlin Bourke, Catherine Chen, Deborah A. Williamson, Leanne J. Robinson, Ivo Mueller and Emily M. Eriksson in Research

October 9, 2021


Serology tests are extremely useful for assessing whether a person has been infected with a pathogen. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, measurement of anti-SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies has been considered an essential tool in identifying seropositive individuals and thereby understanding the extent of transmission in communities. The Luminex system is a bead-based technology that has the capacity to assess multiple antigens simultaneously using very low sample volumes and is ideal for high-throughput studies. We have adapted this technology to develop a COVID-19 multi-antigen serological assay. This protocol described here carefully outlines recommended steps to optimize and establish this method for COVID-19-specific antibody measurement in plasma and in saliva. However, the protocol can easily be customized and thus the assay is broadly applicable to measure antibodies to other pathogens.

Posted on:
October 9, 2021
1 minute read, 129 words
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